System technology for your Viessmann heating system
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Creating complete solutions with Viessmann system technology
"The whole is greater than the sum of its parts." In accordance with this philosophy, Viessmann doesn't just supply individual heating equipment components that meet the high Viessmann standards for quality, reliability and effectiveness.
All products are already matched to each other at the factory and designed to work as a complete system. After all, only perfect interaction between all system parts can draw out the maximum potential of our innovative leading technology. This applies not only to new buildings, but also to existing ones. Because many components can be easily retrofitted and expanded.
Your individual path to an efficient complete system
Viessmann system technology increases overall efficiency through the optimum interaction of the individual components. This has ecological and economic benefits. Because by using resources sparingly, both CO2 emissions and running costs can be reduced. Attractive subsidies for energy efficient system solutions help to ensure that investments pay off even faster.
Individual components grow together
When it comes to innovative energy solutions, the combination of power and heat is becoming increasingly important. A Viessmann Vitovolt photovoltaic system, for example, not only supplies solar power for household and consumer electronics and electromobility, but also for operating electricity-based heat generators such as heat pumps. Vitocharge storage units paired with photovoltaics provide even more self-sufficiency. This is because they provide electrical energy even when the sun is not shining.
In addition, solar energy can also be used for heating. If the system technology includes solar thermal energy, the energy obtained can be used for DHW heating and for combined central heating backup. Combining storage systems with Vitosol solar thermal systems similarly enables enable optimum heat utilisation tailored to individual requirements.
Viessmann system technology also allows renewable and fossil fuels to be combined. This facilitates the transition to sustainable complete solutions. In hybrid systems, the innovative Hybrid Pro Control energy manager ensures that the control system automatically selects the most efficient operating mode – conventional or renewable heat generator. The system then runs in accordance with economical or ecological criteria, as required.

Connectivity for easy energy management
The conventional way of controlling the room temperature is to adjust the thermostat on the radiator. Viessmann system technology, however, sets store by connectivity. This enables all the components of a complete system to be connected to each other via the internet and controlled via an app. But connectivity doesn't just enhance operating convenience. New energy management options help you to uncover and exploit potential savings. If your trusted installer is provided with access, they receive notifications directly via the service app and can quickly optimise the operation. The following video shows how well the interaction of individual components works thanks to digital networking, using the new Vitocal with photovoltaics and electricity storage as an example:
Convenient system control via app
After connection to the web, Viessmann ViCare offers innovative control options – regardless of where you happen to be at the time. The app can be used, for example, to create individual heating schedules and monitor consumption and room climate. The app also enables the use of Viessmann One Base, the platform that connects all Viessmann appliances and Smart Home solutions. Using the app's integral Energy Management feature, energy flows in the house – from self-generated solar power and battery charge status through to self-consumption – can be visualised. This makes saving energy even easier.
The benefits of Viessmann ViCare at a glance
The conventional control unit also offers a wide range of functions
With Vitoconnect, Viessmann appliances that do not yet have an integral web interface can also be operated via app. Vitoconnect is connected directly to the Vitotronic control unit. However, the latter enables comprehensive and intuitive control of small boilers, wall mounted appliances, medium sized boilers and heat pumps even without the internet. In the case of the Vitotronic 200/300, this is achieved with the aid of such features as:
- large backlit graphic display with multi line plain text view
- black/white depiction for good contrast
- context-sensitive help via the "?" button
- graphic display of functions such as the heating curve, solar yield and switching times
- remote control in high-gloss casing for control from the living space
Control programs for all system sizes
From single boiler to multi boiler systems with central switchgear, Viessmann supplies perfectly matched solutions. The Vitotronic control system with communication capability is an electronic management system for economical and reliable operation of the heating system. It sets the standard in its installation, operation and maintenance.
Expand and optimise – accessories for complete systems
Viessmann creates optimal technical conditions for the integration into new and existing complete solutions. This means that heat generators and components such as photovoltaics, solar thermal, storage units or accessories can be easily added to optimise the system as a whole. In addition to high quality Viessmann products, we also offer system components from other well known manufacturers with the Vitoset range of accessories. The range includes:
- Radiators
- Underfloor heating
- DHW softening systems
- Fuel oil tanks
- Vitoset Protect accessories
Fast and hygienic DHW heating
Water heaters ensure a reliable supply of DHW or act as intermediate stores of heat from the heating system and solar thermal system. This not only increases convenience for residents but also improves the system's energy efficiency. This is because heat that has already been generated is not simply lost, but can be used at a later time. With the Vitocell range of water heaters, Viessmann offers the right cylinder solution for every requirement. A range of Viessmann fresh water modules are available for fast and hygienic DHW heating in combination with heating water buffer cylinders.
Making the most of thermal energy
Viessmann heat exchangers are particularly efficient at transferring thermal energy. They are used in a variety of different applications:
- For heating swimming pool water
- For transfer stations of heat supply networks, for system separation in heating systems with underfloor heating, for DHW heating and for solar thermal systems
- For obtaining heating energy in connection with steam heating systems

Rent system technology instead of buying
The purchase of innovative complete solutions always involves investment costs. For those who shy away from such an investment, this doesn't mean having to do without the latest technology. Through Viessmann Strom and Viessmann Wärme, we offer alternatives to purchasing.
Viessmann Wärme: Simply rent a new heat pump, gas or oil condensing heating system. Different heat packages allow adaptation to individual requirements. Heating maintenance and repair are always included in the monthly costs.
Viessmann Strom: Rent new photovoltaic system and additional components such as power storage units, wallboxes and heat pumps. The all-inclusive support package includes a full guarantee, insurance, maintenance, repair and the undertaking of admin.
Systematic approach to sustainable energy supply
With the ViShare Energy Community, you become part of an even larger system that works together to drive forward the energy transition. It allows you to make the electricity generated by your photovoltaics or fuel cell available to the community and to purchase 100 percent green electricity from it if your own production is not sufficient. To be part of the ViShare Energy Community, however, you do not necessarily have to generate your own electricity. You can also purchase green household and heating electricity via the corresponding tariffs if your Viessmann complete system does not feature any power-generating components.