Homeowners Professionals

Viessmann warranty information

A full list of warranty prices available on Viessmann products. Register your product or check your warranty below.

Warranty information

In order for your boiler to qualify for a free of charge manufacturer’s guarantee period longer than the minimum 2 year period set out in the standard Terms and Conditions of Sale, your installation must be registered with Viessmann within 30 days. You or your installer can register the installation, using the online or offline options available. The free of charge voluntary guarantee period varies by product, please see below for the period that applies at the time of purchase.

For an extended guarantee, which is offered on some models as a purchase option, your installer must register your installation on the Viessmann VPlus Platform for installations in Great Britain. 

For installations in Eire and Northern Ireland, your installer must register your installation here.

Vitodens gas condensing boiler warranties

      Standard (out the box) Homeowner website portalExtension 1Extension 2
     Vitodens 0252 years 5 years  
      £0 £0  
     Vitodens 0502 years 7 years10 yearsN/A
      £0 £0£180 
     Vitodens 1002 years 7 years10 years12 years
      £0 £0£210£270
     Vitodens 1112 years 7 years10 years12 years
      £0 £0£210£270
     Vitodens 2002 years 7 years10 years12 years
      £0 £0£390£480
     Vitodens 2222 years 7 years10 years12 years
      £0 £0£390£480
     Vitodens 200 (49/60 kW)2 years 2 years5 yearsN/A
      £0 £0£360 
     Vitodens 200 (80/150 kW)2 years 2 years5 yearsN/A

Vitocal air source heat pump warranties

 Standard Extension 1 
Vitocal 100-A2 years N/A 
Vitocal 150-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 151-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 200-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 222-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 300-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 350-A2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 

Vitocal ground source heat pump warranties

 Standard Extension 1 
Vitocal 200-G2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 222-G2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 300-G (up to 7.5 kW)2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 
Vitocal 300-G/350-G2 years 7 years 
 £0 £360 

Vitocrossal commercial gas boiler warranties

Vitocrossal 100 CIB2 years 
Vitocrossal 200 CM2C2 years 
Vitocrossal 200 CM22 years 
Vitocrossal 200 CRU2 years 
Vitocrossal 300 CR3B2 years 

Vitosol solar thermal warranties

Vitosol 100-FM5 years 
Vitosol 200-FM5 years 
Vitosol 300-FM5 years 

Vitovolt photovoltaic warranties

 15 years        
Vitovolt 300£0